NBIA Disorders Association Expenditures

FYE 2018 Pie Chart








2014 Expenditures


2013 Expenditures


2012 Expenditures

In the 2012 fiscal year, 96 cents of every $1 donated to NBIA Disorders Association went directly to programs and services for NBIA individuals and their families. We are proud that our administrative and fundraising costs are very low compared with those of many charities. To learn more about the work we do, our financial history and spending, we invite you to review the IRS Form 990’s that are available here.


2011 Expenditures

NBIA Disorders Association FY 2011 Expenditures were for only 9 months as it was the first year of our new fiscal year. Future fiscal years will start on 10/1 and end on 9/30 of the following year. There were no research grants awarded in FY 2011. 6 were awarded in FY 2011 - 2012 totaling $205,800 which would have been part of the 2011 expenditures if we had not changed our accounting method and all percentages would have reflected that difference.


2010 Expenditures


2009 Expenditures


2008 Expenditures




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