Team NBIA Disorders wins BPAN funding as deadline for letter of interest looms

Orphan Disease Centermdbr fundraisingJune 2021

Once again, Team NBIA Disorders has qualified for the maximum matching grant to fund BPAN research through the Million Dollar Bike Ride organized by the University of Pennsylvania's Orphan Disease Center.

BPAN researchers who are considering making a research proposal have until 8 p.m. Eastern Time Sept. 16, 2021, to submit letters of interest.

This year’s Million Dollar Bike Ride on June 12 was the 8th annual and marked the second year the event was held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But that didn’t stop Team NBIA Disorders. For the fifth consecutive year, the team won the match — $30,000 this year — making a total of $66,366 available for BPAN research.

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Noah Rusch from Germany invited friends and family to ride their bikes to his home with a donation, and in turn, the family served them cold drinks and freshly baked pizza from their wood-fired oven. They received over 60 visitors bringing donations and raised over $3500 for the MDBR..

NBIA families and friends raised most of the funds in about two months, a record time frame. And for the second year, our sister organization in Germany, Hoffnungsbaum e. V., encouraged their families to help. They generously contributed $5,000 to our total.

Although UPenn's Orphan Disease Center will manage the grant, our organization is closely involved. We ensure that it matches our BPAN research priorities, and members of our Scientific & Medical Advisory Board who do not have any conflicts of interest will review the submissions, along with other ad hoc reviewers. At the completion of the grant award, we will get a report on the research to distribute to our NBIA community.

We have notified scientists in our research database about this opportunity to compete for the BPAN grant. They can visit here to submit a letter of interest. Guidelines for the request for applications (RFA) form can be found here. Those proposals will be due Oct. 18, 2021, no later than 8 p.m. (EST). Full application documents are to be uploaded on UPenn’s Orphan Disease Center website, by invitation only after submitting a letter of interest.



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